Wednesday, April 28

3 combined axonometrics, made from 9 rectangular prisms

18 Axonometric sketches

In this sketch i have tried to illustrate on fact shared by both clients. Both clients share same ideas but they take different path. in the above model, the two spaces meet each other at two section areas but they have different directions.

this model captures Hawking belief of non stopping search and understanding of the universe, as the sketch has a linear format.

this model captures Hawking belief of non stopping search and understanding of the universe, as the sketch has a linear format.

This sketch captures the idea that there are ups and downs in life, different people view life differently, some observe it empty some full. this is related to our client in a way that both Hawking and Nicole view life in their own life.

this sketch is inspired by Nicole kuepper quote, where she states how some people look out of the square. i tried to illustrate this with using the idea of a space in another space.

This sketch is inspired by Hawking quote as he has an ultimate goal to learn and understand the world, dynamic by ascending or descending or static in the central space.

Sunday, April 25

Exp2: three Quotes

Stephen Hawking:
" My goal is simple, it is a complete understanding of universe why it is as it is and why it exist at all."
Source: Shamloo, Ahmad The best Quotes (Iran: University of Tehran Press, 2001).

Charles Darwin:

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.."
Source: Times newspaper, topic: Survival.

Nicole Kuepper:

"I love working with passionate people who want to help address climate change and poverty by thinking and experimenting outside the square,"
Source: Website SMH :

Wednesday, April 14


Hi Maryam, can you please look check your email, as i have send you my animations as they are not playing correctly on my blog. i appreciate your consideration.

Sunday, April 11

Final submittion- The final sketchup model

Working spaces

In this video, the two work spaces for the artist is shown. in this part of the model, there has been a great emphasis on the contrast of material, their relation to the each artist and the gallery as a component of the gallery.

The Gallery Space

This animation illustrates the connection between the main stair and the gallery, how the stair is part of the gallery. there are artworks at different steps of the stair and there are free spaces for the visitors to seat.

Final submittion-The Gallery

Above picture includes the working space for ricky swallow and section view of the gallery.

the above picture is the view at inside of the gallery.

An Overview

This is an overview of my developed sketch, which shows how it has transformed from a sketch into a proper building.

Final submittion-Over View

My Progress for my Developed sketch

This is small sketch of the stair i am going to use for my model.
Above is the sketch of some stairs i was considering to apply for my model.
This is some of the sketches i did in order to develop my section sketch in to a more functional model. there are sketches of section view, top view and separate spaces of the model.

This is a section view of my sketch which i am going to develop it further more. upper ground is halt representing Ricky Swallow art work and lower ground is promising extracted from Richard Goodwin's work.

Friday, April 9

three selected textures for my developed sketch

From top to bottom: Woven, Corroded and elastic.

36 Textures

Corroded, tense

harsh, uniform

stuffed, disrupted

ruffled, assorted


fibrous, ragged

dense, hollow


irregular, scales

elastic, composite

tough, ductile

layered, brittle

stitched, stiff

woven, one-directed


conjoined, compressed

porous, heavy

rough, fluffy

mesh, opaque

veiny, grainy

P.S I tried my best to upload a clear image, but because i did my sketches with pencil they aren't as good as it could be. i hope it will not cause any inconvenience.

18 Sketches- Names are ordered as follow: Moving from the top left sketch, to top right, followed by bottom right and finishing by bottom left.

Halt-halt, halt-assurance, defeatism-assurance, apathetic-assurance.

halt-promising, apathetic-spring, halt-spring, defeatism-promising.

assurance-apathetic, assurance-defeatism, apathetic-promising, apathetic-halt.

Promising-defeatism, spring-halt, halt-halt, spring-apathetic.

promising-apathetic, promising-halt.